Strength Card Meaning

Strength Card Meaning

In Tarot, the Strength card represents energy and bravery. It is a card representing courage and ferocity, evoking the roaring energy of a lion. Additionally, it represents a fearless woman. She is relentless, indomitable, and unwavering. The Strength card's primary symbols are a woman with a lemniscate (a figure eight on its side, representing perpetual life and eternity), a lion, and a chain of roses floating over her head.

The Lovers Card Meaning

The Lovers Card Meaning

The Lovers card of Tarot is a symbol of (you guessed it) love and romantic connection, love, attraction and a perfect harmony. The most basic symbolism of the card is the image of an angel or Cupid as well as the man and woman and two trees. In certain decks, you will see an individual man seated between two women. Also, in certain decks, one of the trees is in bloom and another is fruitful. The Waite Tarot decks have Adam and Eve One tree, the serpent, and apples.

The Hierophant Card Meaning

The Hierophant Card Meaning

In Tarot, the Hierophant card represents traditional values and is frequently associated with the religious or spiritual. The Hierophant's mission is to bring the spiritual down to earth. This Tarot card's main meaning is to provide unity in the midst of adversity. During a crisis, the Hierophant calms the situation and provides sound guidance. Twin pillars, a staff, a throne, a pope's triple crown, a hand raised in benediction, and two acolytes are the basic symbols of the Hierophant card.

The Fool Card Meaning

The Fool Card Meaning

In Tarot, the Fool card represents new beginnings. The main significance of the card is that the Fool is on his way to a new beginning, and the bag on the staff indicates that he has all he needs or wants. The Fool is dressed brightly, with a pack tied to his staff, a dog at his heels, and a cliff in the background. The Fool, according to the Tarot, travels aimlessly with all his worldly belongings. He is a daydreamer who gets lost in his thoughts and is prone to tumble over. The dog on his tail attempts to warn him.

The Chariot Card Meaning

The Chariot Card Meaning

The Chariot card in Tarot is difficult to interpret. It could imply hard-won triumph in the end. An armored warrior, the chariot, sun or moon symbols, the encircling rod on the winged shield, and black and white sphinxes (or lions or horses), occasionally at rest, are frequently seen on the card. Some decks include a star canopy and, on occasion, a throne inside the chariot.

The High Priestess Card Meaning

The High Priestess Card Meaning

In Tarot, the High Priestess card represents sexuality, intrigue, and general higher authority. This card's primary symbols are blue, white, and black, pomegranates, an Isis moon crown. Other symbols include veil, solar cross, crescent moon, and pillars. The "B" stands for Boaz, which means denial and severity. The letter "J" stands for Jachin, which means "beginning" and "mercy." The scroll is written with the word "Tora," which could be a reference to the Jewish Torah or an anagram of Tarot, with the final letter hidden.

The Emperor Card Meaning

The Emperor Card Meaning

In Tarot, the Emperor card represents achievement, confidence, money, stability, leadership, achievement, and a capable individual. it also represents father/brother/husband. The throne, rams' heads, and occasionally the eagle, orb, and scepter are the basic symbols for this card. The Emperor is the first sign of the zodiac, since Aries (the Ram) is the newborn. He follows the Empress.

The Empress Card Meaning

The Empress Card Meaning

In Tarot, the Empress card represents Isis, motherhood, femininity, and fertility. The Empress is a creator of life, romance, art, and business, and it is here that the idea grows until it is ready to be born. The primary Tarot symbols for this card are a rod, a pomegranate-adorned robe, a crown of twelve six-pointed stars, a field of ripe wheat, and a heart-shaped shield imprinted with the Venus symbol.

The Magician Card Meaning

The Magician Card Meaning

The Tarot card Magician represents male power of creativity via resolve and passion. The Magician is dressed in red and white. The lemniscate (a figure eight on its side indicating endless life and eternity), a little wand, a table with a chalice symbolizing wisdom and preservation, a pentacle, staff, and sword are the primary card symbols.

The Hermit Card Meaning

The Hermit Card Meaning

In Tarot, the Hermit card represents introspection, soul seeking, analysis, and self-reflection. It signifies a moment of quiet and seclusion rather than socializing or action. This card's fundamental symbol is a robed man or monk holding a lantern and wielding a staff. The landscape seems desolate.

The Tower Card Meaning

The Tower Card Meaning

The Tower card in the Tarot represents the demise of old ideologies. A structure has abruptly and dramatically collapsed, causing chaos and distress, yet it has also cleared the way for something new to be created. This card's basic symbols are a tower on a rocky outcrop, a bolt of lightning, two individuals descending from the tower, and waves crashing below.

The Hanged Man Card Meaning

The Hanged Man Card Meaning

In Tarot, the Hanged Man card represents trial or focus, selflessness, and sacrifice. This card's basic symbols are a man hanging by one foot from a tau cross. His free leg is constantly crossed to create a "4", and his expression is always calm. His hands could be bound or dangling. Some coins may fall from his hands or pockets at times.

The Devil Card Meaning

The Devil Card Meaning

The Devil card in the Tarot represents goals as well as temptation, addiction, and sadness. A winged and horned Devil on a black pedestal, naked male and female figures, shackles, and an inverted pentagram are the primary symbols of this card.

The Star Card Meaning

The Star Card Meaning

In Tarot, the Star card represents future possibilities, accuracy of vision, and spiritual understanding. Seven or eight stars, a pool of water, a kneeling woman (one foot in the water, the other on land), and two urns are the primary symbols of this card.

Justice Card Meaning

Justice Card Meaning

The Justice card in the Tarot represents logic, truthfulness, and justice. This card represents cold, impartial balance. It's also about practicing moderation in all aspects of life, as well as the reality of karma. There may be consequences if you do not maintain the scales balanced. This card's primary symbols are a judge-like figure, often blindfolded, seated or standing, holding scales in his left hand and an upraised sword in his right.

Temperance Card Meaning

Temperance Card Meaning

The Temperance card in the Tarot can be tricky to understand, but in general it is about combining opposites and attaining synthesis. It's all about balance, peace, and patience. The Temperance card's core symbols are an angel (typically female, but sometimes genderless), a pool of water or river, and two cups with fluid flowing between them. It's a lovely, serene sight of harmonious beauty.

The Moon Card Meaning

The Moon Card Meaning

The Moon card in Tarot represents that something is wrong and that you should not believe your first impression. Things are not as they appear. A full moon (with a crescent within), twin pillars, a howling dog and wolf, a stream running to the ocean, and a crayfish rising from the water are the basic card symbols.

The Wheel of Fortune Card Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune Card Meaning

The Tarot card Wheel of Fortune represents destiny, unexpected events, and growth. This card informs you that good fortune can strike just as readily as bad, and that everything happens in cycles. You could be on top of the world right now, but you could also be on the way down. Change is an unavoidable element of life, and is the only constant. Everything in life is evanescent. The basic symbols of this card are a clockwise rotating wheel with rising or lowering figures or monsters on it. Some cards include a sphinx on top of the wheel, while others feature alchemic symbols and Hebrew letters.

Death Card Meaning

Death Card Meaning

The Death card in Tarot is a card representing enormous changes and new beginnings, and it will most likely be difficult. In a Tarot reading, the Death card represents metamorphosis, passage, and change. The Death card's basic symbols are Death as a skeleton dressed in black robes or armor. A scythe or a flag with a five-petaled rose may also be present. Other figures in the field may exist, but the most common and repeating is that of a child.

The Judgement Card Meaning

The Judgement Card Meaning

In Tarot, the Judgment card represents healing. This Major Arcana card represents significant transformation, rejuvenation, and change. An Angel, trumpets, graves with people rising from them, and frequently water or an ocean are the main symbols of the Judgment Tarot card.

The Sun Card Meaning

The Sun Card Meaning

The Sun card in Tarot is all about hope and positive energy. Being an optimistic card, it indicates passion and joie de vivre.

The World Card Meaning

The World Card Meaning

The Tarot World card is a fantastic card that represents an effective conclusion after all aspects have been considered. Everything has come full circle. A voyage has ended, and a long-term endeavor has concluded. This card's main symbols include a dancing lady or hermaphrodite, a yoni (almond-shaped circle) wreath, two wands, a cherub, eagle, lion, and bull.